



Golf & Tacos is committed to fostering an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment, and intimidation. Golfers that register in any Golf & Tacos event or program acknowledges that they are expected to uphold a standard of conduct, both on and off the course, that fosters respect, inclusivity, and enjoyment for all participants, ambassadors, coaches and host facility staff.  

To ensure a positive experience for everyone involved, all attendees must adhere to the following code of conduct:

  • Respect the right of all other participants, ambassadors and coaches to a safe space to learn, volunteer, and work. Any form of sexual, racial, religious or other harassment will not be tolerated.
  • Unwelcome sexual advances, propositions, flirtations, or repeated unwelcome requests for or efforts to make social contact with fellow golfers, coaches, ambassadors, or staff, including sexually suggestive communications (emails, texts, DMs), will not be tolerated.
  • Respect coaches, staff, ambassadors and fellow golfers. Bullying, aggressive, defamatory, or abusive behavior will not be tolerated. 
  • Listen to instructions from coaches, ambassadors, and staff and adhere to any safety protocols outlined. 
  • Understand the importance of maintaining pace of play during events and respect the decision of any coach, ambassador, or staff member who may ask you to adjust your playing style or skip a hole(s) to close a time gap that may be impacting the experience for golfers behind you.
  • Preserve the golf course by repairing pitch marks, replacing divots, and raking bunkers. 
  • Refrain from excessive alcohol consumption leading to disrespectful and/or offensive behaviour. 
  • Promptly leave the facility within a reasonable amount of time when asked by a coach, ambassador, or staff member. 
  • Do not bring or consume outside alcohol (all alcohol not purchased at a Golf & Tacos host facility).
  • Abide by all municipal, provincial and federal laws and regulations. 

By registering for any Golf & Tacos program or event (paid or free), I acknowledge and agree to the Code of Conduct and understand that violations may result in my removal from a program or event without refund and/or refusal of future participation or service.


Any behaviour deemed detrimental to Golf & Tacos, its partner facilities, participants, coaches, staff, or volunteers, should be reported to for further review by the organization, which may take appropriate action including removal from current or future programs and events.